

Galiano A., Munaretto G., Domingue D., Carli C., Filacchione G., Galluzzi V., Buoninfante S., Rothery D., D’Amore M., Maturilli A., Besse S., Barraud O., Jozwiak L., Deutsch A.,  Penttila A., Capaccioni F., , MDIS color image of Praxiteles basin unveils a novel spectral feature, 2024 SIMBIO-SYS Team Meeting, 22-24 April 2024, Saint-Malo (France)

Galiano A., Munaretto G., Domingue D., Carli C., Filacchione G., Galluzzi V., Buoninfante S., Rothery D., D’Amore M., Maturilli A., Besse S., Barraud O., Jozwiak L., Deutsch A.,  Penttila A., Capaccioni F., Detection of the 830 nm spectral feature in Praxiteles basin: hints of hollows’ formation, Mercury 2024, 4-7 June 2024, Kyoto (Japan)

D’Amore, M. and the ISSI team, Updates on MASCS geometric calculation & Unsupervised observation clustering for photometric correction, Mercury 2024, 4-7 June 2024, Kyoto (Japan)

Buoninfante, S., Galluzzi, V., Domingue, D., Munaretto, G., Galiano A., Abramov, O., Rothery, D., Multidisciplinary analysis of Praxiteles crater on Mercury: investigating the interplay of impact cratering, volcanism and volatile sublimation on Mercury, Mercury 2024, 4-7 June 2024, Kyoto (Japan)

Munaretto, G., A. Tullo , S. Bertoli, F. Tusberti, Domingue, D., Galiano, A., C. Re, G. Cremonese, A. Lucchetti, M. Pajola, E. Simioni , M. Massironi, Spectrophotometric modelling of MESSENGER/MDIS multiangular observations reveals physical properties of Mercury’s pyroclastic deposits, Mercury 2024, 4-7 June 2024, Kyoto (Japan)

Galiano A., Munaretto G., Domingue D., Carli C., Filacchione G., Galluzzi V., Buoninfante S., Rothery D., D’Amore M., Maturilli A., Besse S., Barraud O., Jozwiak L., Deutsch A.,  Penttila A., Capaccioni F., Oleg Abramov, Detection of a novel spectral feature at 830 nm in MDIS/MESSENGER color image of Praxiteles basin, EPSC 2024, 8-13 September 2024, Berlin (Germany).

Munaretto, G., Galiano, A.,  Domingue, D., A. Tullo , S. Bertoli, F. Tusberti, C. Re, G. Cremonese, A. Lucchetti, M. Pajola, E. Simioni , M. Massironi, Spectrophotometric modelling of MESSENGER/MDIS multiangular observations reveals physical properties of Mercury’s pyroclastic deposits, EPSC 2024, 8-13 September 2024, Berlin (Germany).

Galiano A., Munaretto G., Domingue D., Carli C., Filacchione G., Galluzzi V., Buoninfante S., Rothery D., D’Amore M., Maturilli A., Besse S., Barraud O., Jozwiak L., Deutsch A.,  Penttila A., Capaccioni F., Oleg Abramov, Recent activity on Mercury’s surface spectrally detected with MDIS data, XX Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, 3-7 February 2025, Pescara (Italy)

Galluzzi V. , Buoninfante S. , Abramov O. , Domingue D. , Munaretto G. , Galiano A. , and Rothery D. A, Geological history of the Praxiteles basin, Mercury, XX Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, 3-7 February 2025, Pescara (Italy).

Carli C., Maturilli A., Galiano A., Penttilä, Landi A.I. and the members of the ISSI project#552, Laboratory spectral measurements on mineral mixtures simulating pyroclastic deposits on Mercury, 56th LPSC, March 10-14, 2025, The Woodlands, Texas/ Virtual.

Abramov O., Domingue D.L., Galiano A., Galluzzi V., Rodriguez J.A.P., and Rothery D. A., Hydrocode modeling of Praxiteles, Raditladi, and Rachmaninoff basins on Mercury, 56th LPSC, March 10-14, 2025, The Woodlands, Texas/ Virtual

Giacomini L., Galiano A., Galluzzi V., Munaretto G., Rothry D.A., Domingue D.L., Weirich J. H., Jozwiak L. M., D’Amore M., Carli C., High-resolution geomorphological analysis of Agwo facula (Mercury), EGU general Assembly 2025, 27 April-2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria & Online.

Maturilli A., Carli C., Galiano A., Penttilä, Landi A.I. and the members of the ISSI project#552, Laboratory spectral measurements to simulate pyroclastic material on Mercury, EGU general Assembly 2025, 27 April-2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria & Online.