[Tip: In case clicking on the link opens the file in your browser, right click and select “Download” to get the file]
Synthetic Data (Boundary conditions)
[Cheung et al 2019] **For T. Wiegelmann** 512×256 (x622 frames of dx=dy=192 km) synthetic photospheric vector magnetograms at 60-sec cadence (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX, BY, BZ, VX, VY, VZ, RHO, EPSILON, TIM, X_KM, Y_KM) — Data-driven/inspired models shall select every 12 frames from start (i.e., 12-min cadence) ==> then select only snapshots after index #12, which will yield 40 snapshots. ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[Cheung et al 2019] 256×128 (x622 frames of dx=dy=384 km) synthetic photospheric vector magnetograms at 60-sec cadence (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX_REB, BY_REB, BZ_REB, VX_REB, VY_REB, VZ_REB, RHO_REB, EPSILON_REB, TIM, X_KM, Y_KM) — Data-driven/inspired models shall select every 12 frames from start (i.e., 12-min cadence) ==> then select only snapshots after index #12, which will yield 40 snapshots. ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
Tip to get the required times:
IDL> skip=12 & start_index=12
IDL> (tim[0:*:skip])[start_index:*]
8642.2432 9359.4795 10079.545 10800.857 11521.963
12239.339 12958.500 13677.870 14397.789 15117.961
15840.250 16557.947 17281.707 18000.170 18718.510
19439.854 20158.561 20881.139 21599.170 22322.523
23037.348 23761.295 24480.510 25200.334 25917.693
26641.555 27358.553 28080.986 28801.367 29522.596
30239.305 30958.449 31677.791 32400.598 33119.305
33840.715 34562.637 35278.699 36001.234 36719.898
[Cheung et al 2019] 512×256 (x622 frames of dx=dy=192 km) synthetic tau=0.01 photospheric vector magnetograms at 60-sec cadence (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX, BY, BZ, VX, VY, VZ, RHO, EPSILON, TIM, X_KM, Y_KM) — Data-driven/inspired models shall select every 12 frames from start (i.e., 12-min cadence) ==> then select only snapshots after index #12, which will yield 40 snapshots. ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[Cheung et al 2019] 256×128 (x622 frames of dx=dy=384 km) synthetic tau=0.01 photospheric vector magnetograms at 60-sec cadence (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX_REB, BY_REB, BZ_REB, VX_REB, VY_REB, VZ_REB, RHO_REB, EPSILON_REB, TIM, X_KM, Y_KM) — Data-driven/inspired models shall select every 12 frames from start (i.e., 12-min cadence) ==> then select only snapshots after index #12, which will yield 40 snapshots. ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[Cheung et al 2019] (IDL Save file: contains array TIMES): Additional required times for saving your model snapshots (besides saving snapshots at the aforementioned 720s cadence) corresponding to 32 MHD cubes, i.e. “ground truth” (only available on irregular time-step) — please select cubes for TIMES[10:*] roughly matching the time-range mentioned above, this is mandatory to enable comparison of your models with the MHD ground truth. Data-driven models will use driving with boundaries at 720sec cadence (selecting every 12 frames from start) and we would like you to make cubes available at the same time cadence, HOWEVER: please include these additional times in this IDL save file for your cube dumps (they correspond to times in the 60-sec series provided above). For data-constrained models please also produce models at these times. Please maintain the 720 and irregular snapshot series separately and make them available separately as well.
Tip to get the required times:
IDL> times[10:*]
9057.1533203125000 9961.6347656250000 10620.752929687500
12177.434570312500 13801.292968750000 14341.354492187500
15117.960937500000 16439.205078125000 17519.927734375000
19981.611328125000 21299.492187500000 23279.041015625000
23997.712890625000 26219.451171875000 26641.554687500000
27358.552734375000 28380.294921875000 30179.410156250000
30659.107421875000 30958.449218750000 31259.498046875000
31439.382812500000 34379.507812500000 35157.824218750000
35880.347656250000 37258.007812500000
[For codes with E-field data-driving] 256×128 (x51 frames [52 frames but last frame is blank] of dx=dy=384 km) Electrogram series calculated for the 720-sec magnetograms as E=-VxB (Units: [G cm / sec]) and corrected for the non-inductive component in periodic boundary conditions. (IDL Save file: contains arrays Ex_reb (corrected), Ey_reb (corrected), Ex_uncor_reb (ideal), Ey_uncor_reb (ideal), dBzdt_reb, dBzdt_ideal_reb, dBzdt_recon_reb, Bz_reb, Bz_recon_reb, Tim, X_KM, Y_KM) ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
Tip to get the required times for Ex, Ey corresponding to the input series:
IDL> tim[12:-2]
8642.2431640625000 9359.4794921875000 10079.544921875000
10800.857421875000 11521.962890625000 12239.338867187500
12958.500000000000 13677.870117187500 14397.789062500000
15117.960937500000 15840.250000000000 16557.947265625000
17281.707031250000 18000.169921875000 18718.509765625000
19439.853515625000 20158.560546875000 20881.138671875000
21599.169921875000 22322.523437500000 23037.347656250000
23761.294921875000 24480.509765625000 25200.333984375000
25917.693359375000 26641.554687500000 27358.552734375000
28080.986328125000 28801.367187500000 29522.595703125000
30239.304687500000 30958.449218750000 31677.791015625000
32400.597656250000 33119.304687500000 33840.714843750000
34562.636718750000 35278.699218750000 36001.234375000000
[For codes with E-field data-driving] 256×128 (x621 frames of dx=dy=384 km) Electrogram series calculated for the 60-sec magnetograms as E=-VxB (Units: [G cm / sec]) and corrected for the non-inductive componen in periodic boundary conditions. (IDL Save file: contains arrays Ex_reb (corrected), Ey _reb(corrected), Ex_uncor_reb (ideal), Ey_uncor_reb (ideal), dBzdt_reb, dBzdt_ideal_reb, dBzdt_recon_reb, Bz_reb, Bz_recon_reb, Tim, X_KM, Y_KM) ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[For codes with E-field data-driving] 256×128 (x51 frames [52 frames but last frame is blank] of dx=dy=384 km) Electrogram series for tau=0.01 calculated for the 720-sec magnetograms as E=-VxB (Units: [G cm / sec]) and corrected for the non-inductive component in periodic boundary conditions. (IDL Save file: contains arrays Ex_reb (corrected), Ey_reb (corrected), Ex_uncor_reb (ideal), Ey_uncor_reb (ideal), dBzdt_reb, dBzdt_ideal_reb, dBzdt_recon_reb, Bz_reb, Bz_recon_reb, Tim, X_KM, Y_KM) ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[For codes with E-field data-driving] 256×128 (x621 frames of dx=dy=384 km) Electrogram series for tau=0.01 calculated for the 60-sec magnetograms as E=-VxB (Units: [G cm / sec]) and corrected for the non-inductive componen in periodic boundary conditions. (IDL Save file: contains arrays Ex_reb (corrected), Ey _reb(corrected), Ex_uncor_reb (ideal), Ey_uncor_reb (ideal), dBzdt_reb, dBzdt_ideal_reb, dBzdt_recon_reb, Bz_reb, Bz_recon_reb, Tim, X_KM, Y_KM) ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[Cheung et al 2019] **For Benoît** 512×256 (x622 frames of dx=dy=192 km) synthetic photospheric intensity maps at 60-sec cadence (IDL Save file: contains arrays IOUT, TIM, X_KM, Y_KM) — select every 12 frames from start (i.e., 12-min cadence) ==> then select only snapshots after index #12, which will yield 40 snapshots. ** NOTE: PERIODIC LATERAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **
[Cheung et al 2019] synthetic photospheric vector magnetograms w/ noise (TBD)
Observational Data (Boundary conditions)
[Emerging-Eruptive] 544×376 (x731 frames of dx=dy=360 km) NOAA AR11158 HMI photospheric CEA vector magnetograms (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX_S, BY_S, BR_S, DX, TIME)
[Decaying-Eruptive] 564×391 (x588 frames of dx=dy=360 km) NOAA AR11429 HMI photospheric CEA vector magnetograms (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX, BY, BZ, TIME)
[Emerging-non eruptive] 640×290 (x951 frames of dx=dy=360 km) NOAA AR11640 HMI photospheric CEA vector magnetograms (IDL Save file: contains arrays BX, BY, BZ, TIM)
[Decaying-non eruptive] NOAA AR HMI photospheric CEA vector magnetograms (IDL Save file TBD)
ISSI Proposal Document (PDF)