In person: Melody Sandells (chair), Christian Matzler (co-chair), Amy MacFarlane, Carrie Vuyovich, Catherine Prigent, Fuzhong Weng, Ghislain Picard, Gunnar Spreen, Iris de Gelis, Janna Rueckert, Julien Meloche, Sangmoo Lee, Stefan Kern, Stephen English
Online: Lingli He
It was agreed the main purpose of the team is to develop a reference snow model to provide “observation operators” in support of 1-10 km scale operational models. An “observation operator” is the model that can take the prognostic state variables of an operational model and calculate observation values. This involves both radiative transfer calculations but also diagnostics of parameters required by the radiative transfer models. In general for snow on land and sea ice, prognostic variables are quantities like snow temperature, snow depth, on between 1 and 5 layers. The radiative transfer models need a number of microphysical variables, such as grain size.
It was also agreed the model developments could use a mix of physical modelling and machine learning.
The team planned activities and assigned responsibilities within the team in the following areas:
- Datasets
- Operational models
- Permittivity
- Roughness
- Active observations
(To be confirmed if we can post slides from the talks here)
Detailed planning
To be confirmed how detailed we want to be here
Operational models
To be confirmed how detailed we want to be here
To be confirmed how detailed we want to be here
To be confirmed how detailed we want to be here
Active observations
To be confirmed how detailed we want to be here