
Published Articles

  1. Neumann, W., Luther, R., Trieloff, M., Reger, P. M., Bouvier, A. Fitting thermal evolution models to the chronological record of Erg Chech 002 and modelling the ejection conditions of the meteorite. The Planetary Science Journal 4, 196 (2023).
  2. Takir, D., Neumann, W., Raymond, S. N., Emery, J. P., Trieloff, M. Late accretion of Ceres-like asteroids and their implantation into the outer main belt. Nature Astronomy 7, 524-533 (2023).
  3. Takir, D., Neumann, W. Understanding the origin and evolution of large and dark asteroids. Nature Astronomy 7, 520-521 (2023). https://doi. org/10.1038/s41550-023-01898-x.

Preprints / Submitted Articles

  1. Neumann, W., Ma, N., Bouvier, A., Trieloff, M. Continuous planetesimal formation in an outer part of the early solar system.

Conference and Invited Presentation

  1. Neumann, W. 2024. Continuous parent body accretion in the carbonaceous reservoir of the early solar system. Invited talk at the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences of the Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau.
  2. Neumann, W. 2024. Continuous planetesimal formation in the carbonaceous reservoir of the early solar system. Invited talk at the Institute of Science and Technology for Deep Space Exploration, Nanjing University, China.
  3. Neumann, W. 2024. Continuous planetesimal formation in the carbonaceous reservoir of the early solar system. Invited talk at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  4. Neumann, W. et al. 2023. Thermal history of the Erg Chech 002 parent body: Early accretion and early differentiation of a small-size planetesimal. DPS-EPSC 2023, 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences Joint With EPSC, San Antonio, USA.
  5. Neumann, W. et al. 2023. Temporally distributed parent body accretion in the C reservoir of the early solar system. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 20th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
  6. Bouvier, A. et al. 2023. Early planetesimal accretion and magmatic records in achondrite meteorites. Goldschmidt Conference 2023, Lyon, France.
  7. Neumann, W. et al. 2023. Revealing Parent Body Accretion Time Scale From Model Fits to Meteorite Chronology: The Cases of CR-Related Meteorites and NEA Ryugu. TherMoPS IV, 4th Workshop on Thermal Models for Planetary Science, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
  8. Takir, D. et al. 2023. Late Accretion of Ceres-like Asteroids and Their Implantation into the Outer Main Belt. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, USA.
  9. Neumann, W. 2023. Modelling the accretion and differentiation of the building blocks of the Earth. Final Colloquium of the DFG SPP “Habitable Earth”, Cologne, Germany.