
We have prioritized diversity and inclusions when we were building this team. It consists of 11 core team members and 2 students:

Name Institution Country Lab expertise
1. Caitlin Ahrens NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA NIR spectroscopy, Geophysical modeling
2. Susan Conway LPG, Nantes France Sediment transport by ice sublimation
3. Serina Diniega JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, CA USA Present-day planetary surface changes, Frost-driven geomorphology processes
4. Jennifer Hanley Lowell Observatory USA VIS-IR spectroscopy
5. Clémence Herny CEN, Grenoble France Ice and sediment transport by ice sublimation and wind, ice properties
6. Erika Kaufman Lulea Technical University Sweden Thermophysical properties of cometary and martian ices
7. Lauren McKeown JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, CA USA Present-day planetary surface processes, interaction between sublimating CO2 ice and granular substrate
8. Jonathan Merrison Aarhus University Denmark icy aeolian processes
9. Ganna Portyankina DLR Berlin Germany CO2 ice physical properties, ice crystal structure
10. Hanna Sizemore PSI, Tucson, AZ USA laboratory, and morphological studies of icy regoliths
11. Isaac Smith York University Canada Ice rheology, crystallography

Students: Jamie Isen (York University, Canada) and Lonneke Roelofs (Utrecht University, the Netherlands).