Meeting (Virtual)


15 November 2023 ( 2 hours)



  • Brief introductions (all)
  • Short motivating/guiding presentations (max 5 min) (those that request time).
    For example covering:
    a) Events to consider (indicating what is unique about them)
    b) New and old observations to consider (databases, or new products).
    c) New tools or infrastructure that might be useful (instruments, models, signal processing).
    d) etc.
  • Brainstorming (refine questions, define topics for the in-person meeting, etc.)

Some of the presentations were on:

  • Dynamical characteristics of characteristics of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere; and  Role of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere by Kaoru Sato
  • A special mode of the ICON mission: The conjugate maneuver. Observations of extreme events, by B. Harding.
  • Wave Effects in the Equatorial MLT, by W. Ward.
  • ISSI MLT-Low Latitude thoughts, by L. Goncharenko.
  • Extreme westward mesospheric winds during March Equinox at Low Latitudes; IAP LoLa Project; by J. Chau.
  • Recent WACCM-X Development Activities; Planetary wave impacts on equatorial irregularities; Stratospheric polar vortex impacts on the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere; by N. Pedatella


ISSI-MLT-LoLa virtual participants