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Team Publications
- Qiu, L., Liu, H., Qi, Y., & Poblet, F. L. (2024). Enhanced sporadic E layer and its perturbations during the 2022 Hunga volcanic eruption. Space Weather, 22, e2023SW003837.
- Stolle, C., Siddiqui, T. A., Schreiter, L., Das, S. K., Rusch, I., Rother, M., Doornbos, E. (2024): An empirical model of the occurrence rate of low latitude post‐sunset plasma irregularities derived from CHAMP and Swarm magnetic observations. Space Weather, 22, e2023SW003809.
- Suclupe, J., Chau, J. L., Conte, J. F., Pedatella, N. M., Garcia, R., Sato, K., et al. (2024). On the abnormally strong westward phase of the mesospheric semiannual oscillation at low latitudes during March equinox 2023. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110331.
- Yue, X., J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Cai, F. Ding, N. Zhang, M. Li, B. Ning, J.L. Chau (2024), First detection of the enigmatic low latitude 150-km echoes in the UHF band, Geophys. Res. Lett., in press.
Selected References
- Chau, J. L., L. P. Goncharenko, B. G. Fejer, and H. L. Liu (2012), Equatorial and Low Latitude Ionospheric Effects During Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Ionospheric Effects During SSW Events, Space Science Reviews, 168, 1-4, pp 385-417,
- Goncharenko, L.P., Harvey, V.L., Liu, H. and Pedatella, N.M. (2021). Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Ionosphere–Thermosphere System. In Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications (eds C. Huang, G. Lu, Y. Zhang, and L.J. Paxton).
- Liu, H., Y. Yamazaki, J. Lei (2021), Chapter 8: Day-to-day variability of the thermosphere and ionosphere, in Space Physics and Aeronomy Collection Volume 4: Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and Energetics, ed. W. Wang, Y. Zhang, ISBN: 978-1-11950-756-7, 2021. https://
- Pedatella, N. M., J. L. Chau, H. Schmidt, L. P. Goncharenko, C. Stolle, K. Hocke, V. L. Harvey, B. Funke, and T. A. Siddiqui (2018), How sudden stratospheric warming affects the whole atmosphere, Eos, 99,
- Yue, X., Wan, W., Ning, B., & Jin, L. (2022). An active phased array radar in China. Nature Astronomy, 6(5), 619.