SPICE Line List For Nanoflare SOOP:
EUI Data Availability:
Summaries of EUIHRI data can be found here: https://www.sidc.be/EUI/data/states/ – Have jHelioviewer open and click on one of the buttons (in Chrome!) to get the sequence directly in jHelioviewer.
The data itself can be downloaded here: https://www.sidc.be/EUI/data/releases/202301_release_6.0/
PHI Data Availability:
PHIHRT data can be viewed and downloaded here: https://www.uv.es/jublanro/phidata_hrt.html
A data tutorial can be found here: https://github.com/JonasSinjan/Solar_Orbiter_PHI_Data_Tutorial
Alignment Tools:
Interesting Publications: