Team Members

Our Team consists of 11 experts in the fields of heliophysics, space science, and astronomy. We plan to add two additional Early Stage Researchers (ESR) later. Our Team includes world-class experts who have used simulation, theory, and data analysis to examine the interaction between the solar wind and the LISM, turbulence, kinetic waves in plasmas, and radio emission. The Team represents 8 different institutions spanning 4 countries (including one ESA Member), and is well balanced in both gender and seniority.



Team Members
Name Institution/Email Country Relevant Expertise
Federico Fraternale (lead) University of Alabama in Huntsville
US Turbulence of the SW and VLISM; Global SW-LISM interaction modeling; Voyager (MAG) data analysis.
Stella Ocker (co-lead, ESR) Cornell University
US Plasma oscillations; Voyager (PWS) data analysis; Remote observations of ISM turbulence.
Olga Alexandrova LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS
FR Turbulence theory & data analysis; Plasma kinetic processes; Shock-turbulence interaction
Iver Cairns University of Sydney
AU Theory, simulation, & observation of plasma waves, and radio emissions.
James M. Cordes Cornell University
US Interstellar turbulence observation and theory; Remote sensing analysis
William Kurth University of Iowa
US PI of Voyager/PWS; Plasma oscillations and radio emissions (observation, theory).
Nicole Meyer-Vernet LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS
FR Plasma waves; Electron dynamics; Quasi-Thermal Fluctuations; Instruments
Parisa Mostafavi Johns Hopkins APL
US Shocks in multicomponent plasmas; Collisional shocks theory and modeling
Nikolai V. Pogorelov University of Alabama in Huntsville
US Global SW-LISM modeling; Shocks physics (simulation, theory); Radio emissions; Numerical methods
Christian Vasconez Escuela Politecnica Nacional
EC Turbulence simulations (MHD, PIC) theory & data analysis
Ming Zhang Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
US Particle transport/acceleration; (theory, modeling, observations); plasma shock physics