Team Members

• Team Leader:  Dr. Gang Li, Department of Space Science and CSPAR, University of Alabama in
Huntsville, AL 35899, USA,
Dr. Gang Li is an expert in modelling particle acceleration and transport and solar wind MHD
turbulence. He co-develops the FVDA analysis method, one of the bases for this proposed work.
As a team leader, he will coordinate with all team members to insure a successful execution of the
proposed work. He will participate in both electron data analysis and investigation of the mechanisms
of meandering solar wind magnetic field.

Team Co-Leader: Dr. Linghua Wang, Institute of Space Physics and Applied Technology, School
of Earth and Space Sciences Room N416, Physics Building, Peking University, 100871, Beijing,
Dr. Linghua Wang is the team Co-leader. She is an expert on solar energetic electrons. Her role in
the project will be data interpretation and analysis on in-situ electrons from spacecraft SolO, PSP and
Team Member: Dr. Nicolas Bian, CSPAR, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, USA
Dr. Nicolas Bian is an expert of solar wind MHD turbulence. He will participate in investigation of
the mechanisms of meandering solar wind magnetic field and its effect on electron transport.

Team Member: Dr. Iver Cairns, Department of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Iver Cairns is an expert of solar radio and solar wind magnetic field. He will participate in
interpretation/data analysis of type III radio bursts for selected event and investigation of solar wind
magnetic field mapping.

Team Member: Dr. Wolfgang DROGE, Institut f ̈ur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Julius-
Maximilians-Universit ̈at W ̈urzburg, Emil-Fischer-Str. 31, D-97074 W ̈urzburg, 97074, Germany
Dr. Wolfgang DR ̈OGE is an expert of solar energetic particles transport. He will perform simulations
to understand the effect of pitch angle scattering on the arrival time of solar energetic electrons.

Team Member: Dr. George C. Ho, Science and Space Instrumentation Branch, Space Exploration
Sector, JHU/APL, USA
Dr. George C. Ho is an expert of solar energetic particles transport and acceleration. He is the Solar
Orbiter EPD Co-PI and PSP SWEAP Co-I. He will participate in event selection and provide insights
on the data quality and uncertainty for the in-situ electron data.
Team Member:Dr. Nariaki Nitta, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Palo Alto,
California, USA
Dr. Nariaki Nitta is an expert of solar radio bursts. He will participate in data analysis of type III
radio bursts and HXRs for selected events.

Team Member: Dr. Yulia Kartavykh, Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics of the
Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Kiel, 24098, Germany
Dr. Yulia Kartavykh is an expert of solar energetic particles transport. She will perform simulations to
understand the effect of pitch angle scattering on the arrival time of solar energetic electrons.
Team Member:Dr. Yang Su, Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Moun-
tain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Dr. Yang Su is an expert of solar HXR phenomenon. He is the Lead of ASO-S/HXI science team. He
will provide HXR data from ASO-S/HXI and participate in data analysis of HXRs for selected events.
Team Member:Dr. Samira Tasnim, Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Deutsches Zentrum f ̈ur
Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR German Aerospace Center), Germany
Dr. Samira Tasnim is an expert of solar wind modelling and magnetic field line mapping. She will
participate in the investigation of solar wind magnetic field mapping.
Team Member:Dr. Shuo Yao, School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University
of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing, China
Dr. Shuo Yao is an expert on solar wind composition, MHD turbulence and electron transport. She
will participate in FVDA of in-situ electrons and the mapping of solar wind magnetic field.
Team Member: Dr.Lulu Zhao, Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
(CLaSP), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103, USA
Dr. Lulu Zhao is an expert in modelling particle acceleration and transport. She co-develops the FVDA
analysis method. She will participate in both electron data analysis and energetic electron transport
(to understand the pitch angle scattering effect.
Team Member (Young Scientist): Mr. Xiangyu Wu, UCL | Department of Space and Climate Physics | Mullard Space Science Laboratory | Surrey RH5 6NT | UK
Team Member (Young Scientist): Dr. Jabus van den Berg