Team Members

Name Institute/Location Expertise
Simon Thomas (Lead) IRAP, France Analysis of observations in the solar wind & ionosphere. Quantify risks from worst-case scenarios.
Stephanie Yardley (Co-lead) Northumbria University, UK Observational analysis & data-driven magnetic field modelling, and magnetic connectivity of SEP source regions.
David Brooks GMU, US/JAXA, Japan Tracing SEP events back to their source regions by applying and adapting his composition diagnostic technique to Hinode/EIS and SolO datasets.
Du Toit Strauss North-West University, South Africa Modelling of energetic particles in the heliosphere, with a focus on the interactions with solar wind transients. Contribute to selection of SEP and GLE events.
Nicolas Wijsen KU Leuven, Belgium To run PARADISE SEP test-particle model this for each of the events analysed in the study.
Laura Rodriguez-Garcia ESAC/ESA, Spain To analyse spacecraft observations within the inner heliosphere for each of the SEP events.
Mathew Owens University of Reading, UK Giving historical context to SEP and GLE events from results of recent studies. Model heliospheric magnetic field using HUXt data assimilation scheme.
Ilya Usoskin University of Oulu, Finland Provide expertise in defining extreme events & help to direct the methodology to apply this to SEP hazards.
Monika Szelag Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Evaluate the influence each SEP event has on the chemistry of Earth’s upper atmosphere using methodology from recent study.
François Trompier IRSN, France Investigate the radiation doses from SEP events in the atmosphere to evaluate the impacts to aviation using observations and the Sievert PN tool.
Karen Aplin University of Bristol, UK Investigating the impact of SEP events on atmospheric electricity on Earth and other planets.
Jingnan Guo University of Science and Technology of China, China Provide expertise on SEP transport and impacts at the planets, providing her methodology utilised in recent studies focussed on Mars