
Peer-reviewed publications

Piecuch, C. G. (2023). River effects on sea-level rise in the Río de la Plata estuary during the past century, Ocean Sci., 19, 57–75.

Wise. A., Calafat, F. M., Hughes, C. W., Jevrejeva, S., Katsman, C. A., Oelsmann, J., Piecuch, C., Polton, J., Richter, K. (2024). Using shelfedge transport composition and sensitivity experiments to understand processes driving sea level on the Northwest European Shelf. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 129, e2023JC020587.

Oelsmann, J., Calafat, F. M., Passaro, M., Hughes, C. W., Richter, K., Piecuch, C., Wise. A., Katsman, C. A., Dettmering, D., Seitz, F., Jevrejeva, S. (2024). Coherent Modes of Global Coastal Sea Level Variability. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, in press.

Oelsmann, J., Calafat, F. M., Passaro, M., Hughes, C. W., Richter, K., Piecuch, C., Wise. A., Katsman, C. A., Jevrejeva, S. (2024). Spatiotemporal (de-)coupling of coastal and open ocean sea level variations. In preparation.

Presentations at conferences

Oelsmann, J., Calafat, F. M., Passaro, M., Piecuch, C., Richter, K., Wise, A., Landerer, F., Katsman, C., Hughes, C., and Jevrejeva, S.: Coherent modes of coastal sea level variability from altimetry and tide gauge observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5341,, 2023.

Oelsmann, J., Calafat, F. M., Passaro, M., Piecuch, C., Richter, K., Wise, A., Landerer, F., Katsman, C., Hughes, C., and Jevrejeva, S.: Coherent modes of coastal sea level variability from altimetry and tide gauge observations, 13th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, Cádiz, Spain, 6–10 February 2023.

Wise, A., Calafat, F. M., Hughes, C. W., Jevrejeva, S., Katsman, C. A., Oelsmann, J., … & Richter, K. (2024, February). Using model perturbation experiments and momentum diagnostics to investigate the physics of local and remote sources of sea level variability on the North West European Shelf. In 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting. AGU.