First Meeting
Out first meeting took place at ISSI in Bern on 7-10 March 2022.
The meeting agenda is shown below
Second Meeting
Out second meeting took place at ISSI in Bern on 13-16 March 2023.
The meeting agenda is shown below.
Second ISSI Meeting “Understanding the Connection Between Coastal Sea Level and Open Ocean Variability Through Space Observations”
13-16 March 2023
International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland
Invited: Chris Hughes (NOC), Caroline Katsman (TU Delft), Felix Landerer (JPL), Julius Oelsmann (TUM), Marcello Passaro (TUM), Chris Piecuch (WHOI), Kristin Ritcher (NORCE), Anthony Wise (NOC), Svetlana Jevrejeva (NOC), Francisco Calafat (NOC).
Meeting goal: The aim of this meeting is to discuss our team progress, with particular focus on the manuscripts that are currently in preparation, and agree on the required tasks to ensure that project delivers scientific advances in this area.
Monday, 13 March 2023
Lunch (optional, we will leave our hotel lobby at 12-12:10 am)
Coffee (optional, ISSI)
14:00-14:30: Welcome and a short summary about the first-year activity (Calafat & Jevrejeva)
- Update about the current stage of the “altimetry” paper
14:30-15:30: Julius Oelsmann, “Coherent modes of coastal sea level variability from altimetry and tide gauge observations” (altimetry paper).
15:30-16:00: Coffee Break
16:00-17:00: Discussion about the results and potential contributions to the “altimetry paper”.
19:00: Dinner (venue TBC)
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
- Update about the coastal sea level response to remote sea-level variability along the continental slope
9:00-10:30: Anthony Wise, “Regional modes and mechanism of coastal ocean sea level variability – a North Atlantic eastern boundary case study” . Presentation and discussion.
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-12:00: Discussion (continue our discussion about Anthony’s manuscript).
12:00-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:00 Presentation of the preliminary results and discussion about “the third paper” by Julius Oelsmann.
15:00-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-17:00: General discussion about the progress with papers
19:00 Dinner (venue TBC)
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
- Defining the tasks needed to achieve the project objectives and next steps
9:00-10:30: For this discussion, we would like to ask each one of you to think about which are, in your view, the key knowledge gaps in coastal sea level that we still did not address in this project. Can it be done in the time available and with the data available?
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
- Other contributions (Kristin, Chris P and others).
11:00-12:00: Kristin Ritcher, “An update of sea water mass redistribution across the Norwegian shelf”. Presentation and discussion.
12:00-13:30: Lunch
13:30-14:15 Chris Piecuch, a conversation/talk about “river discharge” study. Title will be added.
14:15-15:00: Chris Hughes, “Exploring and generalising ocean-boundary connections in the Stommel gyre model”. Presentation and discussion (we could continue discussion, if we need after coffee break).
15:00-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-16:15. Chris Piecuch, talk about estimate of daily Florida Current transport since 1982. We will continue discussion about this talk next day, if there are any delays and changes in our timetable for Wednesday.
16:15-17:00 Jake Steinberg, Influence of Deep-Ocean Warming on Coastal Sea-Level Trends in the Gulf of Mexico (relevant to our study submitted manuscript). Virtual presentation/discussion.
19:00 Dinner (venue TBC)
Thursday, 16 March 2023
- Final discussions
- Final remarks