The scientific objective of this team proposal is to bring multidisciplinary experts together to tackle present-day issues of the exosphere-surface interactions, while using numerical/theoretical tools and spatial observations. The team shall include representatives of the theoretical scientists studying the exosphere dynamics, the geology of the surface and their interactions, as well as experimentalists and atomistic numerical modelers investigating the interactions between gaseous and surface particles at the atomic scales. The diversity and balance of skills of the proposed team will allow discussion on all of the aspects of exospheres and surfaces, from atomic to planetary scales, while searching for improvements of our current understanding of the observations of such environments. The versatility of the fields involve in such research rarefies the opportunities of such collaboration. This project relies on ISSI unique environment to regroup a panel of interdisciplinary experts joining efforts to improve the current state of our understanding of the gas- surface interactions around airless bodies, echoing the key ideas that led to the foundation of ISSI.
Name |
Affliation |
Giulia Alemanno |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
Stefan Bringuier |
Independent Researcher |
Johanna Bürger |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Emma Caminiti |
Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble |
Flyura Djurabekova |
University of Helsinki |
Cathy Dukes |
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Surface Physics, University of Virginia |
Anastasis Georgiou |
Memorial University |
François Leblanc |
LATMOS, CNRS, Sorbonne Université |
Liam Morrissey |
Memorial University |
Kai Nordlund |
University of Helsinki |
Rozenn Robidel |
European Space Agency, ESAC |
Menelaos Sarantos |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Daniel W. Savin |
Columbia University |
Sébastien Verkercke |