
 Conference session organised by team members on the team’s topic:


Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in the Solar Atmosphere and Interior, Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Discussion Meeting, Organisers: D. Kolotkov, P. Antolin and A.M. Broomhall, London, UK


Modelling of Multiphase Astrophysical Media, Organisers: R. Farber, M. Gronke, I., Khabibullin, Kochel, Germany

Prominences and Coronal Rain: formation, evolution, and energy transport at NAM, Cardiff, UK



Meetings and conferences where we presented results discussed during our meetings:


DynaSun Meeting, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

  • From Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare  (Patrick Antolin)

European Solar Physics meeting (ESPM), Turin, Italy

Invited talks

  • Thermal non-equilibrium : its importance for the energy and mass cycles in the atmosphere and its possible solar wind implications (Clara Froment)

Hinode-IRIS-SPHERE Conference, Montana, US

Invited talks

  • From Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare  (Seray Sahin)

Contributed talks

  • Cool and Hot Emission Disambiguation in Instrument Passbands  (Patrick Antolin)

NAM 2024, Hull, UK

  • Decomposing the AIA 304 Channel into its Cool and Hot Components  (Patrick Antolin)

11th Coronal Loops Workshop, La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain

Invited talks

  • Liquid sunshine: drizzle, showers, and torrential rain on the Sun (Seray Şahin)

Contributed talks

  • Dynamical thermal instability in coronal loops (Varsha Felsy)
  • Hot and cold: coronal heating and the ubiquity of multi-thermal plasma structures in the global solar corona (Cooper Downs)

CoCo-Con (Coronal Cooling Conference), Leuven, Belgium

Invited talks

  • Thermal Non-Equilibrium: As Fascinating as it is Important (Jim Klimchuk)
  • From Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An
    Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare (Seray Şahin)

Contributed talks

  • Thermal non-equilibrium in a pseudo streamer (Clara Froment)
  • Dynamical Thermal Instability in Coronal Loops (Varsha Felsy)
  • Prominences in Active Stars (Simon Daley-Yates)
  • Mass Cycle and Dynamics of a Virtual Quiescent Prominence (Dion Donné)
  • Turbulent mixing layers and cooling the corona (Andrew Hillier)
  • Creating Quality Coronal Rain Images using Machine
    Learning (Luke McMullan)

Solar-C Meeting, Nagoya, Japan

  • Synthetic EUVST Observations from Coronal Rain Modelling (Patrick Antolin)
  • Thermal nonequilibrium and coronal rain (Clara Froment)

RAS Specialist Meeting, London, UK

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

PNST (French national heliophysics and space plasmas conference), Marseille, France

  • Thermal non-equilibrium cycles in solar coronal null points – implications for the solar wind (Clara Froment)


AGU Conference, San Francisco, US

Invited talks

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

RAS Specialist Meeting on “Coronal Condensations”, London, UK

Invited talks

  • Observations of TNE-TI-induced coronal rain over active regions  (Patrick Antolin)

EUI Consortium Meeting, Paris, France

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

Hinode-IRIS Conference, Niigata, Japan

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

NAM Conference, Cardiff, UK

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

WISA Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI and SPICE  (Patrick Antolin)

EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria

Meeting on Modelling of Multiphase Astrophysical Media, Kochel, Germany

  • EUV Fine Structure and variability associated with coronal rain  (Patrick Antolin)