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Main team members
- Gregory Fleishman – Team leader (NJIT, USA,
Theory, simulations, data-constrained modelling
- Sergei Anfinogentov (ISTP, Russia,
Microwave and EUV probing of magnetic field in ARs
- Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez, (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Chromospheric inversions and radiation transfer
- Tatiana Kaltman (Institute for Solar Physik (KIS), Germany)
Microwave emission simulations, RATAN solar radio data
- Maria Kazachenko (CU Boulder, USA)
Data-driven Coronal Global Evolutionary Model, DKIST
- Lucia Kleint (FHNW, Switzerland)
Chromospheric spectropolarimetry, magnetic field evolution
- Maria Loukitcheva (MPS, Germany)
Chromospheric radiation transfer in continuum; ALMA data
- Duncan Mackay (U. of St Andrews, UK,
Time-dependent data-driven modelling
- Alexei Pevtsov (NSO, USA)
Chromospheric magnetic field probing; SOLIS data
- Alexey Stupishin (St. Petersburg U., Russia)
Weighted optimization with chromospheric constraints
- Michael Wheatland (U. of Sydney, Australia,
NLFF magnetic field models; Grad-Rubin techniques
- Thomas Wiegelmann (MPS, Germany)
NLFF coronal magnetic field models, Magneto-static modelling of upper photosphere and chromosphere
Young team members
- Ryan French (National Solar Observatory,
Science with DKIST
- Joao da Silva Santos (National Solar Observatory)
chromospheric inversions
External experts
- Arturs Vrubelskis (Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC))
Radio diagnostics and modeling
- Boriss Ryabovs, (Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC))
Radio probing
- Ivan Milic (Institut for Solar Physik (KIS), Germany)
- Juan M. Borrero (Institut for Solar Physik (KIS), Germany)