
  • Rahmanifard F, Swaczyna P, Zirnstein EJ, Heerikhuisen J, Galli A, Sokół JM, Schwadron NA, Möbius E, McComas DJ, Fuselier SA (2023) The Effect of Angular Scattering Imposed by Charge Exchange and Elastic Collisions on Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Atoms. ApJ 959:129.
  • Kowalska-Leszczynska I, Kubiak MA, Bzowski M, Strumik M (2024) Sensitivity of the Helioglow to Variation of the Total Ionization Rate and Solar Lyα Emission. ApJ 965:30.
  • Dyke L, Müller HR (2024) Effects of an Explicit Time-Dependent Radiation Pressure Force on Trajectories of Primary Neutral Hydrogen in the Heliosphere. ApJ 968:58.
  • Swaczyna P, Bzowski M, Dialynas K, Dyke L, Fraternale F, Galli A, Heerikhuisen J, Kornbleuth MZ, Koutroumpa D, Kowalska-Leszczyńska I, Kubiak MA, Michael AT, Müller HR, Opher M, Rahmanifard F (2024) Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen in the Heliosphere: New Horizons Observations in the Context of Models. ApJL 969:L20.
  • Fraternale F, Pogorelov NV, Bera RK (2024) Modeling the Time Dependent Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Local Interstellar Medium with Kinetic Neutral Hydrogen and Helium Atoms. JPhCS 2742:012011.
  • Galli A, Wurz P, Schwadron NA, Möbius E, Fuselier SA, Sokół JM, Swaczyna P, Bzowski M, McComas DJ (2024) The Plasma Pressure Contribution from Low-Energy (0.05–2 keV) Energetic Neutral Atoms in the Heliosheath. ApJ 971: 2.
  • Fraternale F, Pogorelov NV, Bera RK (2024) Constraining the Properties of the Multicomponent Local Interstellar Medium: MHD-kinetic Modeling Validated by Voyager and New Horizons Data. ApJL 974:L15.

Team members are marked using boldface font.