
  • The SVADhIN Project: The team leader (A. Bhardwaj) is leading the SVADhIN project (Stellar Variability and Distance Indicators in the Near-infrared) in collaboration with several core team members, which aims to use RR Lyrae stars a population II distance indicators. RR Lyrae stars are excellent distance indicators at near-infrared wavelengths thanks to their well-defined Period-Luminosity relations. These exclusively old stars are found in abundance in old stellar systems such as globular clusters. Given the variable nature of RR Lyrae stars, multi-epoch photometry is required to derive their precise Period-Luminosity relations and understand possible systematic uncertainties in the RR Lyrae-based distance measurements, for example, due to metallicity. We are also monitoring RR Lyrae and other variables in nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies to test the accuracy and precision of the population II distance scale. 


  • C-MetaLL Survey: One of the core team members (V. Ripepi) is leading the C-MetaLL survey (Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law) which aims to provide homogeneous time-series photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of Cepheids in our Galaxy. We are also observing more distant Cepheids in the disk and anti-center of our Galaxy using VLT-UVES (R~37,000) as part of the C-MetaLL survey, which will be used to probe the galactic metallicity gradients and will provide insights into the flares and warps of the disk of the Milky Way galaxy.