Publications & Resources

Publications from our team

  1. Broeren & Klein (2023), “Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification of the Wave Telescope Technique: General Equations and Demonstration Using HelioSwarm”, ApJS 266 12,
  2. Roberts et al. (2023), “Estimation of the error in the calculation of the pressure-strain term: application in the terrestrial magnetosphere”, JGR Space Physics,
  3. Lewis, H., J.E. Stawarz, et al. (2023), “Magnetospheric Multiscale Measurements of Generalized Ohm’s Law in Earth’s Magnetosheath: How do plasma conditions influence turbulent electric fields? Physics of Plasmas,
  4. Yang et al. (2024), “Effective viscosity, resistivity, and Reynolds number in weakly collisional plasma turbulence”, MNRAS 528, 6119 – 6128,
  5. Broeren, T., K. G. Klein, and J. M. TenBarge (2024), “Multi‐Spacecraft Magnetic Field Reconstructions: A Cross‐Scale Comparison of Methods”, Earth and Space Science, 11, e2023EA003369,
  6. Broeren, T. (2024), “Multi-Spacecraft Observatory Data Analysis Techniques: Uncertainty Quantification & Comparison”, Thesis, University of Arizona.
  7. Broeren, T. & K.G. Klein, (2024), “Multi-Point Gradient Estimation in Turbulence”, arXiv preprint,
  8. Broeren, T. & K.G. Klein, (2024), “Constrained Wave-telescope Technique”, Res. Notes AAS 8 130, doi:10.3847/2515-5172/ad498e.
  9. Francesco, Pecora, Francesco Pucci, Francesco Malara, Kristopher G. Klein, Maria Federica Marcucci, Alessandro Retinò, and William Matthaeus (2024), “Evaluation of Scale-dependent Kurtosis with HelioSwarm”, ApJL 970 L36, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad5fff.
  10. Kristopher Gregory Klein, Theodore Broeren, Owen Roberts, Leonard Schulz, “Wave-Telescope Analysis for Multipoint Observatories: Impact of Timing and Spatial Uncertainties”, submitted to JGR Space Physics, DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172909713.38785575/v1.

Tools/resources from our team members