Team Members





Frederic Effenberger

Full-orbit particle simulations in synthetic and MHD fields, transport models with stochastic differential equation methods, non-diffusive regimes.

Ruhr-University Bochum


N. Eugene Engelbrecht

Theory of charged particle diffusion and drift in turbulent plasmas, ab initio particle transport models.

North-West University

South Africa

Riddhi Bandyopadhyay

Interaction between turbulence and energetic particle propagation, in-situ magnetic field and plasma data analysis, energetic particle observations.

Princeton University


Rohit Chhiber

In-situ spacecraft data analysis of turbulence properties in the solar wind, global MHD solar-wind modelling with turbulence transport, MHD turbulence simulations.

University of Delaware & NASA GSFC


Maria Elena Innocenti

Fully kinetic simulations in parameter ranges compatible with solar wind and astrophysical turbulence, solar wind conditions,  large scale and in the kinetic regime.

Ruhr-University Bochum


Timo Laitinen

Modelling turbulence and energetic charged particle full-orbit simulations in the heliospheric context, including the relative importance of large-scale and small-scale magnetic structures.

University of Central Lancashire


William Matthaeus

Turbulence theory, computations and observations, plasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics and fluid mechanics, and statistical mechanics, space plasma theory and observations of the solar wind and corona

University of Delaware


Sean Oughton

MHD turbulence theories and simulations and the roles played by MHD turbulence in the solar wind, anisotropies of MHD fluctuations.

University of Waikato

New Zealand

Silvia Perri

Analysis of in-situ spacecraft data for turbulence properties in interplanetary space, transport properties of energetic particles near shock waves propagating in the heliosphere.

University of Calabria


David Ruffolo

Theory and full-orbit simulation of energetic charged particle transport in solar wind turbulence, generation and characteristics of solar wind turbulence from 0.07 to 1 AU.

Mahidol University


Julia Stawarz

Analysis of in-situ spacecraft observations and theory of plasma turbulence in solar wind from the inner heliosphere to near-Earth, shock-driven turbulence downstream of Earth’s bow shock.

Northumbria University


Lingling Zhao

Observations of turbulence and energetic particles throughout the heliosphere, spatial-temporal properties of solar wind turbulence, analysis of energetic particle events in association with turbulence, current sheets, and shocks.

University of Alabama Huntsville