Team Members

Core Team:

Remya Bhanu Indian Institute of Geomagnetism India
Alexa J. Halford NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA
Benjamin Grison Institute of Atmospheric Physics Czech Republic
Dedong Wang GFZ Potsdam Germany
Ioannis A. Daglis University of Athens Greece
Lauren Blum University of Colorado USA
Petr Hellinger Astronomical Institute, CAS Czech Republic
Philip Fernandes Los Alamos National Laboratory USA
Vania Jordanova Los Alamos National Laboratory USA
Yoshizumi Miyoshi Nagoya University Japan
Daniel Graham Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) Sweden
Yuri Shprits GFZ Potsdam Germany

External Advisor:

David G Sibeck NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA
Mei-Ching Fok NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA

Early Career Scientists:

Claudia Medeiros National Inst. for Space Research (INPE) Brazil
Mykhaylo Shumko NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA
Teresa Esman NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA
Sung-Jun Noh Los Alamos Natioanl Laboratory USA