Publications under ISSI Team Project

  1.  Shumko M, Gallardo-Lacourt B, Halford AJ, Blum LW, Liang J, Miyoshi Y, Hosokawa K, Donovan E, Mann IR, Murphy K, Spanswick EL, Blake JB, Looper MD and Gillies DM (2022) Proton aurora and relativistic electron microbursts scattered by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:975123. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.975123
  2. Remya, B.Halford, A.J.Sibeck, D.G.Murphy, K. R., & Fok, M.-C. (2023). Understanding Quiet and Storm Time EMIC Waves – Van Allen Probes ResultsJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics128, e2023JA031712.
  3. Greeley, A. D., Kanekal, S. G., Schiller, Q., Blum, L., Halford, A., Murphy, K., T. Raita, and D. N. Baker (2024), Persistent pitch angle anisotropies of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belts, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2023JA031549.




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