Our first ISSI team meeting was conducted in hybrid mode during 19 – 23 September 2022 at ISSI, Bern, Switzerland. Due to the travel restrictions still existing at many countries, only seven of our team members attended in-person. However, we made full use of the facilities provided by ISSI with their large meeting room, well equipped for video conferencing to connect to our other team members worldwide. We started our daily schedule around 9AM Bern time, with most of the team members from European and Asian sectors present (our friends from India and Japan had already had their lunch by then:). As day pass by, members joined one by one from various time zones in the US (MST to EST). We had our full capacity team during the post noon sessions.
Team members at Bern
As planned, we dedicated our meeting days to discuss various science topics – gathering knowledge from each team member, finding the missing links which need to be further investigated. This way, we were also able to come up with several collaboration projects which will be further worked out by team members in their labs. We identified team members to take up/lead individual project and then thought out the other team members who could contribute to a particular project whether it is modeling aspect, data analysis or simulations. At least 4-5 members (sometimes more) are associated with each project. We plan to carry out these studies in the course of next year (+/- 6 months depending on the project skills/people involved). Our regular telecons will be utilized to discuss more on the advancements in each of these studies.
Final day at ISSI – members at ISSI conference room (top left) and others from different parts of the world.
Members attended in-person (couple of them missing in the pic)
Our Team Page @ ISSI !
We look forward to see all our team members in-person at Bern for our second ISSI meeting which will be in July 2023!