Our team is composed of 12 scientific experts in this field, distributed across 7 different countries. All are working in leading and expert roles in one or more of the main science areas, and the team is balanced in career stages (the members are senior postdocs, early career staff, as well as senior staff) as well as gender.
– E. Starkenburg (University of Groningen, NL) co-PI of the Pristine survey and co-leader of the extremely metal-poor stars working group in WEAVE, responsible for metal-poor target catalogues
– D. Aguado (IoA, GB) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on metal-poor stars in the Galaxy as well as the WEAVE experiment and data quality
– S. Fabbro (Herzberg, CA) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on deep learning technique applications in spectral analysis
– E. Fernandez-Alvar (OCA, FR) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on interpretation of chemical abundance information
– M. Fouesneau (MPIA, DE) data scientist and expert on the Gaia data releases and Gaia interface, machine learning techniques, and data validation
– V. Hill (OCA, FR), the lead of the WEAVE Galactic Archaeology Science team, expert on low- and high-resolution spectroscopic observations and analysis
– R. Ibata (Obs. Strasbourg, FR) specialised in photometric studies of the Milky Way, machine-learning techniques to identify metal-poor stars, and stellar streams (as dark matter probes)
– P. Jablonka (EPFL, CH) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on numerical cosmological simulations and high-resolution observations
– G. Kordopatis (OCA, FR) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert in chemo-dynamical properties of the Milky stellar populations
– N. Martin (Obs. Strasbourg, FR) co-PI of the Pristine survey, leader of the Pristine dwarf galaxy project, and catalogue maker for the WEAVE low-resolution survey
– G. Thomas (IAC, ES) catalogue maker for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on photometric surveys and modelling of Milky Way-like galaxies in different cosmological paradigms
– K. Venn (University of Victoria, CA) spectroscopic analysis developer for WEAVE extremely metal-poor targets, expert on high-resolution spectroscopic observations and analysis