Project publications

  1. M. Gedalin, N. Ganushkina, N. Pogorelov, V. Roytershteyn, Scattering of superthermal ions at shocks: dependence on energy, Astrophys. J., 957, 106, 2023.
  2. M. Gedalin, Rankine-Hugoniot relations and magnetic field enhancement in turbulent shocks, Astrophys. J., 958, 2023.
  3. C. Immanuel Jebaraj, N. Dresing, V. Krasnoselskikh, O.V. Agapitov, J. Gieseler, D. Trotta, N. Wijsen, A. Larosa, A. Kouloumvakos, C. Palmroos, A. Dimmock, A. Kolhoff, P. Kühl, S. Fleth, A. Fedeli, S. Valkila, D. Lario, V. Yu. Khotyaintsev, R. Vainio,Relativistic electron beams accelerated by an interplanetary shock,A&A, 680, L7, 2023.
  4. M. Gedalin, Rankine-Hugoniot relations in turbulent shocks, Frontiers in Physics, 11, 1325995, 2023. 10.3389/fphy.2023.1325995
  5. M. A. Balikhin, M. Gedalin, S. N. Walker, O. V. Agapitov, T. Zhang, Structure of a Quasi-Parallel Shock Front, Astrophys. J., 959, 130, 2023. 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0b71
  6. I. C. Jebaraj, O. Agapitov, V. Krasnoselskikh, L. Vuorinen, M. Gedalin, K.-E. Choi, E. Palmerio, N. Dresing, C. Cohen,
    M. Balikhin, A. Kouloumvakos, N. Wijsen, R. Vainio, E. Kilpua, A. Afanasiev, J. Verniero, J. G. Mitchell, D. Trotta, M. Hill, N. Raouafi, and S. D. Bale, Acceleration of electrons and ions by an “almost” astrophysical shock in the heliosphere, Astrophys. J. Lett., 968, L8, 2024. 10.3847/2041-8213/ad4daa
  7. M. Gedalin, Electron scattering on small-scale electrostatic fields in the shock front, J. Plasma Phys., 90, 905900509, 2024. 10.1017/S0022377824001223
  8. M. Gedalin and V. Roytershteyn, Self-organization of collisionless shocks: From a laminar profile to a rippled time-dependent structure, J. Plasma Phys., 90, 905900606, 2024. 10.1017/S0022377824001429
  9. I. C. Jebaraj , O. V. Agapitov, M. Gedalin, L. Vuorinen, M. Miceli, C. M. S. Cohen, A. Voshchepynets, A. Kouloumvakos, N. Dresing, A. Marmyleva, V. Krasnoselskikh, M. Balikhin, J. G. Mitchell, A. W. Labrador, N. Wijsen, E. Palmerio, L. Colomban, J. Pomoell, E. K. J. Kilpua, M. Pulupa, F. S. Mozer, N. E. Raouafi, D. J. McComas, S. D. Bale, and R. Vainio, Direct measurements of synchrotron-emitting electrons at near-Sun shocks, Astrophys. J. Lett., 976, L7, 2024.
  10. M. Gedalin, Self-organization of collisionless shocks: A “phase transition” from a planar stationary profile to a rippled structure, J. Plasma Phys., 91 , E6, 2025.