
Core Team Members:

  • Ingrid Cnossen, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, Simulations with the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) and/or the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model eXtension (WACCM-X) to isolate and quantify the roles of different drivers of hemispheric asymmetries
  • Matthias Förster, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, Ionospheric convection, neutral wind data analysis, global modeling of M-I-T processes.
  • Hyomin Kim (Team Leader), New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Analysis of data from satellite/ground instruments for M-I coupling and ULF/EMIC wave studies, instrumentation for polar regions.
  • Hyuk-Jin Kwon, Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, Observations of magnetospheric waves; instrumentation for polar regions.
  • Karl Laundal, University of Bergen, Interhemispheric observations of auroras, ionospheric electrodynamics, and empirical modeling.
  • Marc Lessard, University of New Hampshire, USA, M-I coupling, Analysis of data from satellite/ground instruments for M-I coupling, ULF/EMIC wave and auroral studies, instrumentation for polar regions.
  • Tomoko Matsuo,  Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, University of Colorado, USA, Assimilative mapping of high-latitude geospace observations
  • Yoshizumi Miyoshi, ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan, Analysis of data from the Arase satellite and ground instruments, observation of aurora with the high-speed camera.
  • Dogacan Ozturk, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, US, Global numerical modeling of MIT systems, data analysis of ionospheric convection patterns.
  • Vyacheslav Pilipenko, Space Research Institute, Russia, Observation, modeling, theoretical work for wave and particle dynamics in the magnetosphere and ionosphere.
  • Daniel Welling, University of Texas, Arlington, USA, Modeling of the solar wind and magnetosphere forcing on the ionosphere.

Additional Experts:

  • Michael Madelaire, Birkeland Centre for Space Science, Geomagnetic response to transient solar wind changes.